1. Not allowing or approving customer reviews
If you have disabled your customer reviews you have effectively disabled your best sales converter. Think about the last time you were on amazon or any other big retailer for that matter, once you have decided the product fits your needs and are 98% ready to commit, I bet it is the other good reviews that always take that up to 100% committed to buying – it happened with some new shoes for me recently
Go to Catalogue -> Reviews & Ratings -> Customer Reviews and approve those customer reviews!
2. Not using Up Sells, Related Products and Cross Sells
Powerful features right out of the box. It will take a little bit of work to get these set up manually but if you havenÃt got the budget to use personalisation software, then you know your product best ñ make sure you set up the cross sells and upsells (and if needed: related produts). Remember, – Cross sells items usually appear in the shopping cart, that compliments what they already have in their baskets think batteries for toys! – Upsells are the products you would want your customer to buy as they are more expensive or have a higher margin and these often appear in the product page, often at the bottom of the product page. – Related products appear also on your product page but will most likely be set to show in a column to the right. These positions vary from store to store but the majority are set up like the above.
Go into any product and look for the tabs down the right for Cross Sells and use your catalogue to find suitable products, tick the box and they will now show as cross, upsells or related products.
3. Newsletters
Offering visitors a chance to sign up to your newsletter is great, what is not so great is having the thank you email coming from owner@example.com I’ve seen this or the words Registration successful in the body of the email. Firstly, what an impression of your brand to make but more importantly this potential customer has just gave you their permission to keep in contact with them so you really ought to be offering them a reason to return to your store or better still, send them your newsletter.FIX IT!
In version 1.5 and later go to System -> Transactional Emails and edit the Newsletter notification. All those that have signed up for your newsletter will be held under Newsletter -> Newsletter Subscribers.