B-219 Sec-55 Noida, India

Unknown date format, neither date nor time in ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’ found

 Issues resolved
go to  file libZendLocaleFormat.php      line number 827

                 $day   = iconv_strpos($format, ‘d’);
        $month = iconv_strpos($format, ‘M’);
        $year  = iconv_strpos($format, ‘y’);
        $hour  = iconv_strpos($format, ‘H’);
        $min   = iconv_strpos($format, ‘m’);
        $sec   = iconv_strpos($format, ‘s’);
Replace the code

        $day   = iconv_strpos($format, ‘d’,0,’UTF-8′);
        $month = iconv_strpos($format, ‘M’,0,’UTF-8′);
        $year  = iconv_strpos($format, ‘y’,0,’UTF-8′);
        $hour  = iconv_strpos($format, ‘H’,0,’UTF-8′);
        $min   = iconv_strpos($format, ‘m’,0,’UTF-8′);
        $sec   = iconv_strpos($format, ‘s’,0,’UTF-8′);

and add the below code to add the following to your index.php:

iconv_set_encoding(“output_encoding”, “ISO-8859-1”);


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