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Magento Tutorial : Adding a product

Steps to Follow to add new Product:-

1)      First login into Magento admin section 

2) Now from top menu go to Catalog->Manage Product.

3) To add new Product click on the button Add Product .
4) First Product Setting Page is prompted Now select Attribute Type as Default and and Product type as Simple Product.
5) After proceeding further you will be redirected to Product information page  in the General tab Provide the details
 Name :- Product Name
SKU :- Unique Sku number product
Weight :- Product weight
Status :- Enable to activate the product
Tax Class:-According to the product 
Visiblity :- Whether product is searchable from web site  default is [catalog/search]
Brands: Select From Drop Down
6)  After that go to price section here provide Price which is required
    Beside this you can also provide cost and
Tier price  which is buy 2 for
Special price for sale price special price you offer in your store
7)In Meta section we can provide meta data about product to make your store seo friendly
8)In Image section We can upload images of product from our local file system and assign distinguished image for small image thumbnail and base image
9)In description section We provide description about the Product which will displayed on the frontend of product view page.
10)Now Go to Inventory Section Provide Details about product stock the qty(availability of product ) and set
Stock Availability:in Stock  if the stock availability is set to out of stock the product will not be available on frontend
11)In Website Section Check the website in which the product will be available now we have only one website we can check  main website to true i.e our website will be available to our main website.
12)After This Click on Categories tab to assign category to the product

 13) To assign Best Suitable Products to a product go to Up-sells tab Search the best suitable product from the grid now assign the product  which suits best with this product.
14)After that we can also provide custom option to the product  For this we have assign size custom option for the jeans we can go to custom options add a new option from custom option assign its Title as size now will also assign its type i.e drop down radio button or check-box we can assign different price list for different  product options.
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