svn diff -r REVNO:HEAD –summarize
If you want to know about the files changed in revision 11 then use below given command
svn diff -r 10:11 –summarize
if you want to know about the files changed in between revision 5 to 11 and then use below given command
svn diff -r 5:11 –summarize
If you want to know about current revision simply use
svn up
2- SVN checkout:
if your current directory code and svn repository on same server then use below given command
svn checkout
else you can use
svn checkout http://svnserverIP/svn/projectName
3- Adding a new folder in SVN
To add the whole folder into svn repository
svn add application/
To add a file in svn
svn add public/style/style1.css
if application folder is already in svn ,if you add and commit it will give error as “application” already in svn . Use the below below given command for force adding to SVN
svn add –force application/
4- Commit on SVN
svn commit -m “appropriate message”
5- SVN Cleanup
svn cleanup
6- Deleting a file in SVN
svn delete tempfile.tmp
7- Deleting a folder in SVN
svn delete media
8- Delete folder forcefully
svn delete –force media
9- Resolving svn conflict
svn resolved filepath
9- Adding only new files in a folder
svn add –force images/