Your layout files and templates are not showing up on front? You can see what’s going on with your layouts using Mage::log() method in your controller. The code below would log loaded layout handles and compiled layout update string into var/log/layout.log file.
Here is how to enable the debug mode in your index.php file.
public function testAction() { $this->loadLayout();
// … //Somewhere within controller action after loadLayout() was called
//The code below logs loaded layout handles to “var/log/<span class=”skimwords-unlinked”>layout.log</span>”
file Mage::log( $this->getLayout()->getUpdate()->getHandles(),null,‘<span class=”skimwords-unlinked”>layout.log</span>’);
//The code below logs merged layout to “var/log/<span class=”skimwords-unlinked”>layout.log</span>”
file Mage::log($this->getLayout()->getUpdate()->asString(),null,‘<span class=”skimwords-unlinked”>layout.log</span>’); }
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