Issues resolvedgo to file libZendLocaleFormat.php line number 827 $day …
4x Masonry Grid
You have to create a copy of the app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/switch/stores.phtml template in your custom theme package. Then you have to modify…
FOR PRODUCTS SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option`;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option_value`;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_selection`;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_datetime`;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_decimal`;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_gallery`;TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_int`;TRUNCATE…
In Magento quite often you need to get order details from order ID. So in this tutorial I am going…
<?php$category_ids = $this->getCategoryid(); // HERE YOU CAN PUT THE STATIC CATEGORY ID $layer = Mage::getModel(“catalog/layer”); $categoryid = $category_ids; $category =…
Some times you may run into situation where you want to override the core functionality of Magento core controllers. So…
try {Mage::getConfig()->init()->loadEventObservers(‘crontab’);Mage::app()->addEventArea(‘crontab’);Mage::dispatchEvent(‘default’);$observ = Mage::getModel(‘catalogrule/observer’);$observ->dailyCatalogUpdate(“0 1 * * *”);} catch (Exception $e) { Mage::printException($e);}
Learn how easy it is to create a custom column layout for Magento. The tutorial is based on the Magento…
Removing Maintenance mode in Magento 2 is extremely simple as in previous Magento versions. The .maintenance.flag file is located under…
The Clash put it nicely: “If I go there will be trouble… and if I stay it will be double.”…
Here I am add the Custom Field for the Customer Registration Form using the database, It’s very simple to add…
You can easily get controller name, action name, router name and module name in any template file or class file….
Make copy /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template.phpToapp/code/Local/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template.php Make the condition false near about line number 407Current Code if ($this->hasQueue() && $this->getQueue() instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue) { …
<!– FOR THE ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS–><?php $config_product_id = Mage::registry(‘current_product’)->getId();?><?php //if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?><?php $product=Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->load($config_product_id); $productAttributeOptions = $product->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($product); $attributeOptions = array(); $ids…
A collection is basically a Model type containing other Models, it is basically used in Magento to handle product lists…
Magento Provide Transitional emails which will allow to create or customize our won email templateSome of the Template variable which…
<?php $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup(‘core_setup’); $setup->removeAttribute(‘catalog_category’,’category_color’); $setup->addAttribute(‘catalog_category’, ‘category_color’, array( ‘group’ => ‘General Information’, ‘input’ => ‘select’, ‘type’ …
C:> mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘wait_timeout’; If this is very low (e.g. 30 seconds) then increase…
Issue was with some kind of Zend cache! I simply went to magento/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php and changed the ‘cache_dir’ => null, to…
Once you’ve accessed your site via SSH, change in to the directory where Magento is installed and run the following…
This was an interesting one the other day – we had the simple products created, and we had the configurable…
<?phpinclude “app/Mage.php”;Mage::app(); error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set(“display_errors”, 1); // The Id you just marked from the transactional email template id$templateId = 1; // Define…
You can try this: $collection->getSelect()->distinct(true);But this will retrieve distinct values based on id. If you want to retrieve videos using…
This code is add button export to csv in form same as grid page. public function getElementHtml(){ $buttonBlock = $this->getForm()->getParent()->getLayout()->createBlock(‘adminhtml/widget_button’);…